Crannóg 55, the autumn issue, cover reveal!

Cover art: Rust by Me by Bill Hicks
Bill Hicks has been working on a series of original ink and watercolours called DRUMlins for more than 35 years. They have evolved from cartoons to paintings and have been displayed in galleries, published in print media and posted on social media.
Bill says he likes to draw, paint and arrange in such a way that illustrates the relationships we have with the things we use and discard. His characters – the steel drums – he says emphasize that somehow the mundane is relevant, the simple wise and the rusty always beautiful.
He has also created installations, worked in set and prop design, made sculptures and produced several other series of paintings. He has worked for the Province of New Brunswick in Heritage and Culture and, until recently, was the CEO of the New Brunswick Museum in Canada.
The cover image for Crannóg 55 is called Rust by Me, part of a body of work for DRUMlins based on well-known songs. This particular artwork is inspired by the song Stand By Me.
No, I won’t be afraid as long as….
Issue 55 is out September 24th. Still only 8€.
Also look out for our new website design featuring additional material to the print magazine: essays, book reviews, articles on writers and writing. The new website is still at the design stage and will be online shortly.
Stay in touch with Crannóg @