Life Cycle Begins with a Bang with The Writing Process
Many thanks to the Kelly from University Times for their kind feature on our Life Cycle series, which kickedoff on Tuesday night with Ronan McGreevy, Vanessa Fox O’Loughlin and Anna Carey who took us through tips, travails and pitfalls befalling would-be writers.
The LifeCycle of a Book: Exploring Writing Processes in the Irish Writers Centre
Last night saw the launch of a series of talks by Publishing Ireland which hope to examine the full process of getting published in Ireland, from writing the novel to seeing it take its place in a bookshop.
It’s a Tuesday evening in the Irish Writers Centre on Parnell Square, and a lively group of aspiring writers, publishers and anyone in between have gathered for the first of four discussions in Publishing Ireland’s “Life Cycle of a Book” series. To continue reading, go to