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Members Note: London Irish Showcase

Publishing Ireland’s Proposal for partnership with London Irish Centre Camden for Irish Arts Festival 2017

The Partnership Committee of Publishing Ireland is keen to find ways to raise the profile of Irish published books overseas and engage with the Irish Diaspora market. It is proposed to build on the success of the Showcase event held in NYC last April and to work with Books Ireland, who has existing relationships with Irish social and cultural organizations, particularly in the UK. It is proposed to utilize these relationships to develop events, which will contribute to the cultural programmes of the various organisations whilst also promoting Irish publishing.

The first of these proposed partnership events is a one-day literary programme promoting and exploring Irish literature, writing, and publishing as part of the London Irish Centre (Camden) Arts Festival, summer 2017.

All of these events will be organized by Books Ireland in partnership with Publishing Ireland and billed as such – with additional collaborations noted where applicable, e.g. specific events with publishers / authors.

The Benefits for Irish publishers:

  • Opportunity to have a London launch
  • Networking opportunities with Irish cultural groups
  • Follow ups from London Book Fair contacts and meetings (March 2017)
  • Invite sales reps and booksellers to explore UK distribution and sales
  • Opportunity to sell books via festival bookshop
  • Promote new and existing titles with hard copies for sale and/or catalogues.
  • Direct access to culturally engaged consumer market (Irish in UK)

We want to hear what our members think about  the proposal. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Contact us at ny 18 January with your comments.



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