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Apply to Join Publishing Ireland

Thank you for your interest in joining Publishing Ireland.

Before completing this form, please familiarise yourself with the information and Code of Practice available here.

Please note that completion of this form is not acceptance as a member of Publishing Ireland. By completing this form, you begin the process of becoming a member.

Upon completing this form your application shall be reviewed by the Board of Publishing Ireland. You will be notified via email.

This is the information that Publishing Ireland retains on file as membership details. It is not publicly available. If you are already a member and you wish to edit your public listing in the Members Directory, please click here to visit your Dashboard.

Applicant Details
Please enter your details so that we may contact you about your application.
Business details will be requested at the next step.
Business Profile
Details entered in this section shall be displayed as part of your public profile.
Additional details will be requested at the next step.
Business Operations
Details entered in this section are for administrative purposes only.
Network Member
I confirm that the Company listed above is and will continue to be in adherence with the terms of the Publishing Ireland Code of Practice. I understand that non-adherence to these terms may result in the suspension of membership. *
By checking this box, you confirm: 1. That the information provided above is correct; 2. That you will notify Publishing Ireland if any of the above ceases to be correct; 3. That you acknowledge that your membership is subject to the discretion of the current Board of Publishing Ireland, you agree to supply the required documentation, as per here, within 30 days and any further information required by executive in order to accept your application for membership: 4. That you agree to abide by the Publishers Ireland Code of Practice (as amended from time to time) including the payment of subscriptions as set by the PA Council from time to time. 5. That no conflict of interest is created by joining as a member of Publishing Ireland with any other activity, affiliation, or business you may participate in. 6. That you have read our privacy policy statement. *
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