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Publication Date: 15th June 2021

“Future of Work” refers to the profound trends and changes impacting work and working life, driven by forces ranging from exponential digitalization and globalization to societal changes, robotics, artificial intelligence, shifts in consumer behavior, and remote working. In THRIVE in the Future of Work, we explore how, for example, can we learn to navigate and thrive in a world of work that is changing so fast? And for those of us who have a role in shaping the future of work for our organizations, our workforces, and for wider society, how can we ensure that we are making work better and making work matter for others? Consider this book as an invitation to stop and engage in a constructive conversation about how we can individually, collectively, and proactively shape the new world of work.

KEVIN EMPEY has specialized in organization development, leadership development and people strategy for over 25 years. With a background originally in technology and business development, Kevin developed an international career in people consulting and leadership development, working across a wide range of organizations, sectors and geographies. Before establishing WorkMatters, a training and consulting firm specializing in the changing world of work, he was a Partner and Director in Willis Towers Watson, where he led the firm’s HR consulting business in Ireland.

THRIVE in the Future of Work is a ticket to a transforming future. All you have to do is read it, do what Kevin recommends and find yourself free to define your own life and work, no longer an underpaid slave to a distant boss but master of your own life and destiny. This book should be read by everybody (especially everyone under 50) interested in shaping the future world of work for themselves and others. It will change their lives and ultimately change the world we live in. It is that important.

Charles Handy, best-selling author of The Empty Raincoat and The Elephant and the Flea

Kevin Empey has done a masterful job of folding the future into the present in one of the most prevalent settings in life: our work and working life. By focusing on the rapidly-changing nature of the Future of Work, Kevin builds a compelling case for embracing agility for the uncertain and changing business world. With the logic, insights, tools, and examples contained in this book, mastering agility will turn threat and uncertainty into future opportunity and daily practice. Bravo!

Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert Professor of Business, Ross School of Business / Partner, The RBL Group

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