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Dialann Emily Porter: Caillte agus Aimsithe Richie Conroy | LeabhairCOMHAR

Release Date28/11/2024
CategoriesNew Releases

1997 atá ann. Bliain chinniúnach i saol Emily Porter. Ní hamháin go bhfuil an Ardteist ar na bacáin ach tá cinneadh mór le déanamh faoin gcúrsa tríú leibhéal. Tá Emily bhocht faoi strus! Mar bharr ar an donas, níor labhair sí lena dlúthchara Olivia le bliain anuas – is naimhde críochnaithe anois iad.
Sa scéal seo, faigheann Emily taithí ar rotha mór an tsaoil. Filleann sí ar an gcoláiste samhraidh ach mar fhostaí an uair seo agus tugtar léargas úr di ar shaol na Gaeltachta.
Ní bliain chompordach í seo i saol an déagóra ach, tríd an anró, na dúshláin agus an crá croí, fásann Emily ó bhun go barr.
Rabhadh maidir le hábhar: Toisc go gclúdaítear téamaí agus eachtraí aibí sa scéal, moltar an leabhar seo do léitheoirí 15+

Seo an tríú leabhar sa tsraith mhóréilimh ‘Dialann Emily Porter’, leabhair eile ar fáil:
– Dialann Emily Porter: An Jailtacht
– Dialann Emily Porter: Thíos Seal Thuas Seal

The year is 1997. A defining year in the life of Emily Porter. Not only is the Leaving Cert looming but a big decision must be made about which third level course to choose. Poor Emily is stressed out! And to top it all off, she hasn’t spoken with her best friend Olivia in over a year – they’re real enemies now.
Throughout this story, Emily experiences the rollercoaster that is life. She returns to Irish college but as an employee this time and she gets new insight into life in the Gaeltacht.
It’s not an easy year in the life of a teenager but, through the hardship, the challenges and the heartbreak, Emily grows into a young adult.
Content warning: Due to the mature nature of themes and events covered in this story, this book is recommended for readers who are 15+

This is the third book in the popular ‘Dialann Emily Porter’ series, other books available:
– Dialann Emily Porter: An Jailtacht
– Dialann Emily Porter: Thíos Seal Thuas Seal