Release Date | 26/05/2022 |
Format | Hardback |
Publisher | Irish Manuscripts Commission |
Categories | Historical, Non-Fiction |
This edition from The Irish Manuscripts Commission presents parish-level returns from the two national religious surveys conducted in Ireland during the 1760s — by the hearth-money collectors (1764–5) and the parish ministers of the Established Church (1766). Data are presented for over 1400 parishes, some including information on households. Organised by administrative divisions and including colour distribution maps for each county, they provide a wealth of demographic and social information for late eighteenth-century Ireland. The sources on which these data are based are scattered in large and small repositories across Ireland and this is the first time they have been brought together in one volume.
The religious estimates for this period provide a link between the population data provided by the poll tax survey of 1660 and that of the 1831–4 report on religious numbers and religious observance.
ISBN 978-1-906865-29-0 | xxiv + 469 pp | RRP €80 | A4 format & full colour
Available March 2022