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Work. Life. Claire O'Connell | Royal Irish Academy

Release Date18/01/2023
PublisherRoyal Irish Academy
CategoriesAcademic, Memoir, Mind & Body, Self Help, Wellness

A collection of useful and interesting tips, hacks and insights from people who have made a mark in their field, and that readers might find helpful in their professional and personal lives. The book brings together short snippets of hard-earned wisdom and insights from people – mostly women – who have achieved much in their careers alongside calming and colourful graphics. The advice you will find here is, for the most part, distilled from a series of masterclasses run by the Royal Irish Academy and Accenture Ireland. Readers can dip in and savour the pearls of wisdom found within this book – some insights may resonate now and others may chime at a later point in your life or career.

Success is not always linear. It is a continuum, and sometimes success is getting to do the things that satisfy you and that you enjoy. – Mary Harney 

Power is taken not given. Summon the courage to raise your hand in meetings and make yourself heard. Instead of dwelling on who is going to let you in, ask what is going to stop you. – Geraldine Byrne Nason

Other contributors include Jane Ohlmeyer, Linda Doyle and Rhona Mahony.