Publishing Industry Survey 2019/2020
We have commissioned an Industry Survey of Publishing in Ireland for 2019 and 2020. Accurate survey information is essential for the future of the Irish publishing industry – as it shows the scale of employment, turnover (both in Ireland and export markets) and, of course, the cultural importance of our publishing. This year of all years, we need to be able to show what a thriving, properly functioning industry looks like so that we can target getting back to that point, hopefully with the assistance of Government and others.
The survey should be completed with information about the calendar year 2019. But if your financial year makes it difficult to complete for that exact period, then the nearest 12 month period (for example, April 2019-March 2020) is acceptable.
The data is being compiled and analysed completely independently by Jim Power and will be managed with total confidentiality.
If you are not a Publishing Ireland member, you are still part of the community and your voice, and books, matter.
If you would like to be a part of this survey please email Orla Mc Loughlin
All participants who complete the survey will receive a summary of the findings.